Managing A SecondGen Club

Managing SecondGen clubs will be very diffrent from your club as you have your own guidlines and goals as a club. To run a SecondGen club, checkout our SecondGen Chapter Guide

There are a multitude of different formats SecondGen clubs follow:

Curriculum Days: SecondGen Global has set curriculum guides for meetings that will be available online and sent out to chapters periodically. Curriculum guides cover a wide range of topics from entrepreneurial skills, the basics of coding, tips and tricks on producing your own music, etc.

Work Days: SecondGen Global encourages students to initiate their own projects centered around their main point of interest. Some meetings are often spent letting students work on their own projects. SecondGen Global can also provide support for a project and suggest projects.

DemoDays: DemoDays offers SecondGen chapter members the chance to demonstrate what projects they have been working on. DemoDays offer a vital opportunity for teams to check-in on their project progress, collect constructive criticism, see other team projects, and practice presenting their product before a SecondGen competition/convention.

Guest Speakers: SecondGen offers students the opportunity to make connections across a wide variety of industries. Meetings centered around a guest speaker have often been some of the most exciting activities in SecondGen clubs, and are a great way for students to network and ask for advice from professionals in their specific interest fields.

Chapter Network

Explain SecondGen International. SecondGen reaches across the world from London to Zimbabwe to the United States. You will get support and information from your regional director. SecondGen International offers three main events per year, mostly by region. Each SecondGen event offers speakers, competitions, chances to pitch your project, etc.

Hackathons - 24-hour entrepreneurial programming competition focused on Business, Designers & Developers. It is usually held around August right before the start of the school year, and is a great way to meet new SecondGen members as well as start on a new project or business idea you have.

Film Festivals - An event focused on Arts, Music, Film, Journalism. It is usually held in December.

Demo Day - An event focused on any field or discipline. Usually held around March/April across all SecondGen members to present the product they have been working on for the school year.

Meetups - Gatherings in the local community of SecondGen members. Typically begin with a presentation or speech from a mentor or local startup, followed by presentations among members of the projects they have been collaborating and working on. These meetups are hosted primarily for students to learn from startups and each other as well as to create a stronger community among SecondGen chapter members.

Socials - Get togethers events among SecondGen chapters and communities at fun locations such as top golf. These are casual events purely for SecondGen members to introduce themselves to other members.

Make sure you get in contact with your local community leader to make sure you are aware of all local events and updates. You can find their contact here

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