
Why do you need to fundraise? Your SecondGen club might not need to fundraise, but fundraisers are a great club activity that can be used to teach an entrepreneurial skill and make your chapter higher quality. The fund can be used for field trips, food at meetings, hosting events, buying supplies (Ex. 3-D Printers), or funding projects.

Organize Your Chapter's Finances

  • Track Your Incoming And Outgoing Funds
  • Keep in mind that sponsorship money comes in on a rolling basis
  • Develop a process for collecting and spending money. Ask your school chapter sponsor about club accounts and the process that you must undergo to deposit and withdraw money from an account.
  • Have one person in charge of maintaining the budget, handling outstanding invoices, and keeping accounts payable so that they understand when money is coming in and out. This will usually be your Treasurer.

Membership Fees There is no fee that members have to pay to be a part of SecondGen. We have implemented this practice because we want membership to be available to as many passionate students as possible; admission into SecondGen is based on individual drive. If you want to collect fees at your local club for a fundraiser, each local SecondGen club is allowed to charge a membership fee up to $20.00

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