Leadership Team

A leadership team is crucial in the development of your club, it only takes one passionate student to start a SecondGen chapter but you'll need a leadership team to grow it.

Although most clubs democratically elect their chapter officers, we suggest you appoint some for the chapter’s first year in existence. Work with your sponsor to select and identify trusted friends and hardworking students to fill these roles. Remember that when selecting students for your leadership team you should focus on individuals with leadership skills as well as students with different talents so that you always have a different perspective on the table.

It is strongly suggested each chapter has the position of Chapter President, Vice President, Secretary, and Project Managers. Short descriptions for each of these positions are listed below.

President – It shall be the duty of the President to:

  • Communicate with SecondGen Global and its community leaders (Contact found here)
  • Lead club discussions and decisions
  • Perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office

Vice President – It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:

  • Preside in the absence of the President
  • Perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office

Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

  • Record the minutes of all meetings
  • Keep a file of the club’s records
  • Maintain a current roster of membership


  • Receive all funds and process Request for Payment and Deposit Slip
  • Keep account of all receipts and expenditures and make reports as directed
  • Lead chapter fund raising efforts

Project Manager – It shall be the duty of the Project Manager to:

  • Keep group projects on task and productive
  • Collaborate with other project managers
  • Announce project updates and lead project discussions

Tips for the leadership team

  • Your leadership team will reflect your club membership in the diversity of gender and talents, so make sure that your officers include a good ratio of male to female as well as a good diversity of programmers, filmmakers, artist, etc.

  • Make sure that when voting on initiatives, your leadership team is the one in charge of voting and making those decisions. This way members that are less active in the club may not disregard a potentially beneficial idea.

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