Your First Meeting

Plan Your Chapter’s First Meeting. - It’s a good idea to gather your chapter leadership team and sponsor together to plan your first meeting. You should go over this guide and what will take place at the first meeting. You should also discuss how to:

  • Advertise the meeting throughout your school and community. Make posters, try to get the meeting on the morning or afternoon announcements, and have friends spread the word for you.
  • Create social media for your chapter. Facebook group, twitter etc.
  • Establish how you will communicate with members. Send out text announcements using remind, email, or slack. The more ways you can get your message out to your members and create a local community among them, the better.
  • Choose a day and time for your meeting. Make sure it does not conflicts with any other major events and is scheduled at a convenient time when most students can attend.
  • Plan to bring food to your meeting. Pizza, candy, or doughnuts can help draw a large initial crowd and get students interested in SecondGen or at least finding out about us.

Open the Meeting. - Start by giving an overview of what will happen at today’s meeting by reading off a schedule. It is of vital importance you begin passing around a sign in sheet for those in attendance asking for their first and last name, cell phone number, email, T-Shirt size, grade, and whether they have paid their membershp fee. It is suggested you bring a sign in sheet to every meeting and store all sign in sheets together. It is very common for Chapter Presidents to print off and hand out a meeting schedule to members. If possible have a powerpoint or promethean board set up ahead of time and presentation prepared.

Consider an Ice Breaker. - Ice Breakers are a great way to make new/potential members feel comfortable in the room and welcome at the meeting. An Ice Breaker should give an opportunity for each individual in attendance to speak, be fun, and brief. The crazier the games, the more comfortable your team will grow with each other.

A few examples of Ice Breakers would be

  • Go around the room and having each individual say their name and a fun fact.
  • Play a short “would you rather game” (example: would you rather only eat carrots for the rest of your life or only see from one eye) Have students play a short round of charades where each student has to be the guesser once. Have each individual say three statements where one statement is false and two are true and the room is forced to guess which statement is false.

Give a description of What SecondGen is. - SecondGen International is an entrepreneurship club. We help youth find and explore their passions in technology, business, music, and film. We provide all the tools for starting and leading clubs including a baseline curriculum, free software tools, support for programming, art, & film development, and community building training.


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